My Story of a Lifetime - Page 13 -


  1. 1/12/2010 7:54:14 AM
    THE STORY OF A LIFETIME (a keepsake of Personal Memoirs)

    I have completed my mother’s memoirs and journal in another web page.
    I will now attempt to answer the questions for myself:

    Page 13:

    Q: If your ancestors emigrated from another country, from where did they come? When? How did they come? Where did they settle and why?

    A: I’m a 100 % NorVegun .. My mother wrote in more detail as posted in her blog. I have also posted good sites to search out my ancestry.

    Q: What do you remember about your oldest relative(s) you knew personally?
    A: Good question! I remember going to the Bergh’s family farm in Sinai SD. I used to enjoy playing outside. They had a lot of hiding places. I also remember my grandfather Oscar used to like reading the comics. Once I remember my aunt Ruth breast-feeding one of her children. I was curious. Their farm home west of Sinai SD was my mother’s home place. These dates were around the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. The water had to be brought in from an outside well. The bippy’s were outside too. I remember they had and porcelain pot used for emergencies. LOL. I used it. You were responsible for removing the bowel movement afterward. The S _ _ _ would make good fertilizer. My grandmother Julie I remember loved to garden. They had beautiful lilac bushes, I remember.

    My maternal grandparents both died when I was a young boy. I remember both funerals.

    I remember my grandmother used to live with us for a time. She once spent the whole day filleting some small fish. We kids ate the fish in no time. She was upset. Julie liked to crochet. She would even darn our socks… imagine that.

    I did not know my paternal grandparents. Ole Holter died in 1929. Regina (Lenning) Holter died in 1945. Their tombstone is right next to my parent’s tombstone at St. Petri cemetery Bruce SD Visit my bucket list for one of my final wishes.

    I’ll write more later as I need to get busy here at home.


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