My Relatives

My Own Church Post:
1/16/2010 6:37:52 AM

Page 13 (Cont:)


A: I remember my Dad’s older brother, Lewis Holter. He was a fun loving uncle. Louie died in the early 70’s I believe. A car jack slipped on top of him while he was changing oil on his vehicle.. I think.

One time I was told to shock grain and load the shocks into a grain trailer. Being the rebellious young teenager I was, I refused. Uncle Lewis used his wonderful negotiations skills by making me the “field” manager. I worked with a new purpose. J

Uncle Lewis is buried with aunt Frieda at the Elmwood Cemetery in Bruce SD


Uncle Normy was my “singing” uncle. His oldest son, Darvin, Darvey used to tell us that Normy would sing to the top of his lungs while working in the field. I personally never heard him singing out in the field, but I can believe it.

Normy would sing the annual Christmas song in NorVegun “I YAM so Glad this Christmas eve” I remember him singing and would admire him.

My last visit with uncle Normy was at their home in Estelline SD. My uncle had heart disease, I believe. Or it might have been kidney failure. Maybe my cousin Wally might tell a little more about his father’s health.

Anyway, I would always feel welcome visiting uncle Normy & Vivian’s home, located one mile south of us. Wally & I used to play together and get in trouble. I remember once we were about 5 or six. We got into some cement. Aunt Vivian had to wash the cement off us. Wally & I were childhood playmates. We went to the same grade school together & High School. We’re the best of friends also.

My Aunt Vivian currently lives in her home in Estelline SD. I last visited with Normy over Christmas 199?, the year escapes me. He died a few months later I believe. I’ll never forget that visit. We had cream and bread together and a fun visit talking about the old days on the farm. It was a pleasant visit.


Ed & Matilda Anderson lived in the BIG city of Bruce SD. I didn’t know them very much. Matilda was my Dad’s older sister, I think. I used to go to school with their children, Diane & LaVonne. We were not close.


Esther & Roy Stewart used to live 2 miles west of our farm. I didn’t know them. I remember mom used to tell me that she was a rubber-neck on the party REA phone line.
Our # was 7772.. I think. I know that our phone was four shorts. We would talk on the phone and the volume would decrease. We knew that aunt Ester would be rubber necking. The Peterson’s moved into the there home after they all moved to Bruce SD.

1/17/2010 7:26:22 AM

Good Morning.

The question was about my older relatives I believe.


My maternal uncle Oliver was a Lutheran Pastor. He was the only son of Oscar & Julie (Branes) Bergh. I remember uncle Oliver very well. He dedicated his life to Jesus and the family spent many years in Japan as a Lutheran missionary. Oliver and his wife Judith spent a weekend at our home, many years ago. He died from heart disease I believe. High cholesterol runs high in the Bergh family. Oliver is my mother’s younger brother. Visit our website for more genealogical details.


Mable was my father’s oldest sister. She was born in 1900 I believe. She is buried in St. Petri, Bruce SD, and the same cemetery as my parents. Visit for more information about my bucket list wishes.

Their youngest son, Harold, was my playmate, classmate, and friend back in my childhood. Harold and I used to participate in sports. He was a GREAT athlete! Too bad alcohol got the best of him. He can be reached at my visiting Danny’s lounge in Brookings SD. I try to visit with Harold whenever I make a trip up north.

Oscar & Mable had SIXTEEN children!

The family grew up in poverty. I remember one of the Skovlund family used to say that they would try to get to the chick house early in order to get to the eggs first. Talk about sibling rivalry. :)
I’ve been told that he’d come home from one of his drunken episodes and Mable would welcome him back with open arms.

I will try to remember the sixteen Skovlund children:

Eve Harpestad
Olga Hartley
Ester Boetcher
Baby died as infant (Marie?)
Audrey Ulvestad
Ellen Krogh

The only ones still alive today that I know of are


I could be wrong. Once I post this to the web, I’d appreciate some feedback.
Visit our website for more info.

1/18/2010 5:32:11 AM

OK… I guess I’ll post this on my blog


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