
Showing posts from 2010

My Dream

2/14/2010 6:53:36 AM MY DREAM: I had a very pleasant dream this morning. I was being bad. I was sinning. I was doing all the evils of society. During this time, Jesus, came to me and asked me why are you abusing my temple? I didn’t realize that we a temples of God. So it was a very good dream. GOD IS GOOD! We Christians are temples of GOD. Happy Valentines Day. Sally & I went to see “OKLAHOMA” at John’s old High School, Topeka West, last night. Damion P. was the lead. The family attends our church here at OSLC. I’m not much into musicals. I’m also not a very romantic. OH WELL..

My relatives, friends, etc.

1/22/2010 4:14:30 AM MY FAMILY, FRIENDS FROOM CHILDHOOD CONTINUES: Good Morning: To those who enjoy stopping by and blog with me on the web, THANK YOU! To those who are critical of me in everything I do … TAKE A HIKE! I for one would like to gloat a little bit. Maybe, just maybe our political world might be changing around to it’s constitution. I PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY DAILY. ORELE & ALVINA (LENNING) HOLTER: Orele was my father’s older brother. He married his 1st cousin. I remember mom told me that they had the same # of children as us siblings. Let me see if I can remember their names: Leon Reuben LaValle Carmen Eugene Carol WOW! My brain is still working! I remembered! Leon married Carol Sando Reuben married ?? LaValle married Neva Benz Carmen married Kenneth Heppler Eugene married Jean Hovey Carol married Loren Perry I’m sure this family is large. Eugene Genie graduated with my older brothers I believe. I remember Wes used to tell me that they once had an all HOLTER basketbal

My relatives-more-

1/18/2010 4:37:50 PM MY FAMILY CONTINUES: I’ve been trying to remember who I missed from the Skovlund family. LEON SKOVLUND: Leon married Donna Townsend. He died a few years ago. I think Donna lives in Sinai SD. I could be wrong. Donna’s younger sister, Margaret, was my classmate in Bruce High School … class of 1963 I’ll write about my classmates later. I was able to attend Leon’s funeral at Grace Lutheran. His younger brother Harold took my picture of which is on our home page. Amazing! So, that leaves two Skovlund’s left. Need help! I guess I could so some genealogical research to get the total number. I might even do some Internet research from and possibly find more relatives. ADOLPH GUSTAV HOLTER: That would be my father. DAD passed away in May 1977-8 .. I think. I remember my brother called me at work. He said “DAD DIED”. I remember I had to sit in the break room to collect my thoughts. I was able to finish my shift at the post office and immedia

My Relatives

My Own Church Post: 1/16/2010 6:37:52 AM Page 13 (Cont:) LEWIS & FRIEDA HOLTER: A: I remember my Dad’s older brother, Lewis Holter. He was a fun loving uncle. Louie died in the early 70’s I believe. A car jack slipped on top of him while he was changing oil on his vehicle.. I think. One time I was told to shock grain and load the shocks into a grain trailer. Being the rebellious young teenager I was, I refused. Uncle Lewis used his wonderful negotiations skills by making me the “field” manager. I worked with a new purpose. J Uncle Lewis is buried with aunt Frieda at the Elmwood Cemetery in Bruce SD NORMAN & VIVIAN HOLTER: Uncle Normy was my “singing” uncle. His oldest son, Darvin, Darvey used to tell us that Normy would sing to the top of his lungs while working in the field. I personally never heard him singing out in the field, but I can believe it. Normy would sing the annual Christmas song in NorVegun “I YAM so Glad this Christmas eve” I remember him singing and

My Story of a Lifetime - Page 13 -

Q: What do you remember about your oldest relative(s) you knew personally? A: My uncles and aunts were all from the farm land NE of Bruce SD. I remember my uncle Lewis * Lewy* Holter. He died in the early 70's I believe. Louie & Frieda were our friends. My 1st cousin currently Davey farms our home place. I remember once I did NOT want to shock grain for the trashing crew. I was a young re bellious teenager. I will write more later ... bye bye

My Story of a Lifetime - Page 13 -
